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The Star Says

An encouragement to become savvy consumers

THE increase in the Sales and Service Tax (SST) to 8%, up from the previous 6%, took effect on Friday, and will undoubtedly impact consumers and businesses in various ways.

The Star Says

Council must ensure true press freedom

ON Wednesday, the Cabinet approved the Malaysian Media Council Bill. The plan is to table it in Parliament in June.

The Star Says

Keeping our children safe online

CHILDREN nowadays seem to be born with the ability to use computers – all forms of digital tech, really.

The Star Says

Be safe and happy during Chinese New Year

WE will enter the Year of the Dragon on Saturday.

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Crowning new hopes with royal transition

MALAYSIA stands on the cusp of a significant transition as our unique rotational monarchy system goes through the traditional process of changing royal leaders.

The Star Says

How Malaysians can learn to love AI

DIGITAL initiatives seem to be coming fast and furious from the government.

The Star Says

We don’t value water enough in Malaysia

WATER, that most basic of life’s necessities, is often taken for granted until scarcity looms.

The Star Says

Balancing between data’s potential and its security

IN an era where data is king, the launch of Malaysia’s Central Database Hub (Padu) marks a significant milestone.

The Star Says

We are better together

TOMORROW, we enter a new year. With the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine and other global issues like the rising cost of living, we enter 2024 expecting it to be a challenging year, of course.

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Merry wishes for happy (and safe) holidays

THE end of the year always has a sense of excitement regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas.

The Star Says

Good habits to practise against any virus

IT’S baaack... Actually, Covid-19 never went away completely. It has become like the seasonal flu, something we must learn to live with.

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