Reflecting On The Law

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Reflecting On The Law

Improving the people’s access to justice

The appointment of the new Chief Justice honours judicial independence, celebrates our diversity and rekindles the spirit of tolerance and pluralism.

Reflecting On The Law

Tertiary studies on the cusp of change

NOW that we have a new Education Minister, hopefully some fundamental questions will be asked about the role of our universities, where Malaysian tertiary education stands and where it ought to go.

Reflecting On The Law

Proposals for parliamentary reforms

IN the post GE14 milieu, freedom is in the air and many citizens are demanding reforms to our system of governance. Out of the hundreds of proposals that have been submitted, some relate to improving the institutional efficacy of our elected legislature.

Reflecting On The Law

Respecting letter and spirit of the Constitution

Malaysians are hopeful that the new Attorney General will help return the nation’s basic charter to its revered position.

Reflecting On The Law

When the Houses of Parliament are divided

GE14 has taught us all a valuable life lesson that one person standing strong can turn the tide of history. The election has also thrown up some fascinating issues of constitutional law that require reflection.

Reflecting On The Law

Basis for appointing the PM

The Constitution provides very little guidance for navigating the murky world of government formation.

Reflecting On The Law

Reforms to enlarge the electorate

FOR the 14th time in our nation’s history, the electorate will have the chance, on May 9, to participate in democracy’s greatest showcase event – the exercise by the people of their right to choose their govern­ment.

Reflecting On The Law

Constitution, courts and free speech

Some judges have already planted the seeds of human rights activism.

Reflecting On The Law

Malaysians, get to know your Constitution

A COLLEAGUE requested me to give a guest talk to her students on “Constitution, Law & Society”. I began by pointing out that as with all laws, the relationship between the constitution and society is one of interdependence. They shape each other in innumerable ways.

Reflecting On The Law

Towards a shared destiny

Under Tunku and the PMs after him, Malaysia has successfully used the economy to bind its people.

Reflecting On The Law

Restoring constitutional supremacy

The Federal Constitution’s core values are not words in the sand to be washed away by political tides.

Reflecting On The Law

Hearing the call of justice and acting on it

The Federal Court decision on the Indira Gandhi case provides much needed moral leadership.

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