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Study actual cause of flood

Tackle drainage in hotspot areas first, then plan long-term


Concern over PJD Link project has not ended

PETALING Jaya (PJ) is a beautiful place to live in with its greenery and fairly balanced development.


Sabah water crisis hits boiling point

SABAHANS are quite laid-back in expressing their feelings when faced with adversity.


Deep dive into local queue culture

WHEN it comes to food, there are some people who are willing to wait in long queues even if it is under the scorching morning sun.


Everyone can pitch in to cut amount of food going to landfills

Bringing containers, setting budget will help prevent excessive buying while NGOs rescue and redistribute surplus.


The art of turning around office politics

OFFICE politics exists whether we like it or not.


Uphold duty to protect public safety but do so with compassion for strays

ONE of the most traumatic childhood memories I have is the incident of being bitten by a dog when I was five.


Find ways to dispose of disused cars (Poll Inside)

Abandoned vehicles with flat tyres, peeling paint and broken windows litter the suburban and urban landscape.


Of clashing events and hotheads

SINCE Malaysia lost in the AFF Cup semi-final on Tuesday in Bangkok, Thailand, Jay Chou can have his concert in peace at our National Stadium in Bukit Jalil, Selangor, tomorrow.


Get cracking on upping egg supply, lowering food prices

I AM neither a businesswoman, economist nor a farmer but I have seen the fruits of labour from my late grandmother’s farm.


Better to show unity in diversity

With travelling plans on hold amid the Covid-19 pandemic, a tuk-tuk mobile cart selling nasi kenduri has brought a little bit of Thailand to Penang.


Risky business still in high demand

Public should not turn a blind eye to illegal hawkers operating by steep slope in Bukit Ampang

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