Heart Talk

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Heart Talk

Let’s have a New Year Truce

If only for a day – and at least online – we should learn from the 1914 Christmas Truce, which showed how humanity can prevail even in our darkest moments.

Heart Talk

A privilege, not a right

It’s time to ask what we can do for Malaysia, as we have been asking what the country can do for us for far too long.

Heart Talk

‘Bertaubatlah’ before you are repented

Voters who bought the New Malaysia dream in GE14 will not stand by the government of the day if it makes a mockery of the democratic process that put it there in the first place.

Heart Talk

More than just a piece of paper

The election manifesto is not only a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives or views of the issuer but also a moral contract between the party and voters.

Heart Talk

A raise that is below the belt

Don’t throw crumbs to the hard pressed workers, who are already facing tough times with the rising cost of living.

Heart Talk

Executive or advisory...

CHATTING with young Malaysians can sometimes provide a window to the new Malaysia that many appear to be excited about.

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