KOTA KINABALU: Kota Kinabalu will fully shift to a digitalised parking system with the implementation of the Sabah Smart Parking initiative as the city phases out the current physical process.
The move, which will take place on Oct 16, aims to make it easier for city dwellers to settle their parking charges through an app-based system, eliminating the need for cash or physical coupons or tickets presently in use.
Mayor Datuk Seri Dr Sabin Samitah said the transition represents the efforts by the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) to digitalise its services.
He said the old physical parking system, which utilises parking coupons will be abolished in favour of the modern digital solution.
“DBKK will create the app-based system for parking in the city to replace the current one which has been in use since 10 years ago,” he said, during its pre-launch here on Friday (Aug 9).
“The app, known as Sabah Smart Parking, will come into force this Oct 16,” he added.
Sabin said the system was in response to the state government’s aspiration of shifting towards digitalisation of all its services.
He added the digital parking system was also proof of DBKK’s commitment towards improving the quality of its services as well as enhancing the parking experience and efficiency for the public.
“The request by residents in the city for this kind of app was the drive behind DBKK’s push to introduce the new parking system,” he said.
Sabin said the app will be utilised for all public parking bays under DBKK and will be managed by its subsidiary DBKK Holdings Sdn Bhd.
“The app will have a smartphone geo-location feature that will help consumers to make parking payments in particular locations.
“Besides that, it also provides services such as checking on parking compound notices, purchasing monthly parking passes and others,” he said.
He assured, however, that the people could still use their existing physical parking coupons before the change to the new system.