KUALA LUMPUR: The domestic halal market value is projected to reach a staggering RM400bil by 2030, says Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
At this value, the halal industry will be contributing 11% of Malaysia’s gross domestic product (GDP).
“The global halal industry is projected to reach RM22.34 trillion by 2030 when the Muslim population is estimated to reach 1.6 billion people.
“Meanwhile, the value of Malaysia’s domestic halal market is projected to increase to RM400bil, thus contributing 11% of the GDP by 2030,” said Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Rural and Regional Development Minister, during a visit to Mara Food Industry Complex (Kimar) here yesterday.
He added that 12,500 entrepreneurs had benefited from Mara’s halal industry development through grants, funding and premises rentals last year.
“These entrepreneurs have successfully generated RM2bil of annual sales and have created over 15,000 job opportunities,” he added.
To enhance the productivity of the factories in Kimar, he said he had approved Mara’s request to increase the electricity voltage.
“I’ve received requests on the electricity voltage capacity, and I would like to announce that the ministry will approve it.
“I hope with this, Kimar would be able to be a step ahead in the halal industry,” he added.
He also launched the rebranding of Kimar as Mara Halal Industrial Park to boost its competitiveness.
The industrial park consists of 19 factories, two mini factories and a business lot.