TRAVEL time between Dalat and Sibu will be reduced once the 22km Jalan Sungai Bidut/Kampung Sebedil/Kampung Bungan Kecil under Package A opens to traffic.
Currently, there are two ways to get to Dalat from Sibu.
One is a two-hour journey by speedboat. Another way is using Jalan Sibu-Mukah and on to Dalat, which takes about two-and-a-half hours.
Sharing the good news was Sarawak Infrastructure and Port Development Deputy Minister Aidel Lariwoo who visited the site to check on the project’s progress.
“The RM104mil project includes building two bridges – Sungai Tutus Bridge and Sungai Sabang Bridge,” he said when met at the project site.
Aidel said the project marked the first phase in creating a direct route to connect Sibu with Igan and Dalat areas through the Sungai Bidut area.
“We have completed the design for Package B and have an additional two or three packages planned to connect to Igan.
“There are about five packages, both large and small, to link up with Dalat too,” he said.
As for street lamps, he said this would depend on local demand and needs of the community.